We specialize in sourcing and supplying high value food products globally across all sectors; retail, foodservice, industrial/bulk. We supply products in our own brand, customer private label brand, or a control house brand, whatever the market dictates and what our customers prefer. The majority of our products we export from the U.S. across the globe. After 48 years in international trade, we understand the complexities of each market overseas and don’t believe in one size fits all. And what sets us apart is the way we do business. We truly listen to what our customers need and understand they want flexibility, quick turnaround and personal service.
We also import products into the U.S. as well. Our Pacific Valley hash brown patties are imported and distributed across the East Coast. We are continuously looking for additional frozen items to add to our line and welcome the opportunity to partner with overseas manufacturers.
Sourcing Products
We offer premier quality products to fill a specialty niche or value driven products to compete entirely on price. We understand our customer’s needs vary, so our product range reflects the diversity of the international markets we serve. We also offer products from growing regions all over the world. This allows us to take advantage of fluctuating crop yields, which in turn affects pricing and consistent supplies. For each and every customer we provide “The food you want, at the quality you want it, at a price you’ll love”.
Product Development
Supplying quality products consistently for our customers is what we do. When we say Pacific Valley Foods is innovative, creative, and flexible, we back that up. We don’t just offer our customers a “standard” one size fits all. Whether it is creating a new product or customizing ingredients, we understand each international market has unique needs.
Packaging Development/Private label Programs
Over 40 years of working in the high value added food industry has given us expertise regarding packaging requirements. We understand the variables involved in packaging when working with different countries from sizing, to color, language, nutritional requirements, and more. For our customers who desire a private label program, we will work with you throughout the entire process.
Marketing & Sales Support
We offer marketing and sales support for our customers in whatever capacity may best serve their needs. This may involve providing crop reports and updates on growing conditions, creating marketing and sales materials, providing funding on certain promotional activities, conducting frequent visits to markets overseas, offering flexible finance terms, and much more.